
First Day

Bienvenido a mi vida aqui en la Republica Dominicana!

Today was my first day in the community, after arriving yesterday. One of the women here from Georgia, Caroline, came down on Sunday to teach the women of Cielo and Nazaret how to make necklaces, bracelets and earrings that can be sold in the United States. This provides a valuable income for the women, so that they can help support their families. Caroline spent today and yesterday teaching the women one-on-one to make specific pieces of jewelry. The ladies have taken to it quickly and are making beautiful jewelry that would be perfect for Christmas or Valentine's Day gifts. I am hoping to post some pictures this week of the finished products, but in the meantime here are some pictures of the ladies working. And don't forget to check out the women's cooperative page online http://www.missionemanuel.org/women/.

Isa working on a project. Read her story here: http://www.missionemanuel.org/women/stories.php#Isa.

Ney working on a necklace. Read her story here: http://www.missionemanuel.org/women/stories.php#Ney.

Caroline demonstrating how to make a four string necklace. Everyone here is so thankful to Caroline for her hard work and creativity!

Alright one more interesting picture from the day. Apparently, another project that some people have been working on is making framed sayings with butterflies in them. But next to the beautiful butterflies, I found something else pinned up... I hope I never meet any of these alive in my room.

I hope none of you ever find this lovely creature in your room either!