

Everything in God's time is a concept not easy for me to wrap my head around. In a world where microwaves, drive thrus and express lanes are the norm, I have a hard time getting my stubborn self to get that just because something does not happen now or soon, does not mean that it will not happen at all.

Oh, how I want everything to go my way in my time! I think that in my "infinite wisdom" my timing and my desires are what I need. And yet, God is patient with me in my rebellion. He lovingly guides me and keeps my foot from striking rock when I stubbornly try to make things that I want work out.

He says to me again and again, "Patience, my child, patience, I have a plan that is better than yours. Patience and I will give you the desires of your heart in ways that you could never have imagined..."

Probably my favorite reminder of this is the verse in Romans 8:28, " And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

God sends us visual reminders too of His promises. Here He is showing off His great majesty in front of the clinic! :)