

Its finally here, finals week! The end of my school career... for at least another 5 to 10 years. I think at this point most people talk about their nostalgia for the past years of school and how much they are going to miss it. While I enjoyed my time here in Columbus at Ohio State and the people I have come to know and the wisdom I have gained, I am ready for my future. There is so much out there that I have yet to do. So many places to go, so many experiences to have, that I cannot for long spend time pining over the past. The best is yet to come, I really do believe that.

Speaking of good things, I leave on Saturday for a week long planning trip in the Dominican Republic! I am excited to see where I will be living and how everyone is doing. Please pray for a safe trip and an amazing time with the Lord.

I am looking forward to a time when I have been in the Dominican for a few months, speak Spanish fabulously and my friends are coming to visit! Hope to see you all there!

Goodbye to my home of five years, THE Ohio State University! O - H - I - O!