I've noticed in the last few years what a difference a year makes. Even though they seem to fly by one after another, each year brings about new changes in my life. This year I feel like I've been confronted by my humanness and the raw human emotion evoked by circumstances simple and complex. These experiences have allowed me to empathize with other people and to better understand those around me. I have also been struck by how profoundly emotions govern our actions and have a better notion of what self-control means. Not just control of self in things such as eating or speaking your mind, but control of your reactions to the unexpected actions of others, perceived affronts small or large and stress. The scriptures mention self-control as a fruit of the spirit. This fruit allows us to carry out the mandate "be slow to anger and abounding in love."
Our sinful nature is predisposed to get annoyed and become angry, to be envious, to be selfish and to sometimes take joy in the tribulations of others. This nature is hard to control, difficult to train and nearly impossible to overcome, except with the help of the holy spirit. Though I have been made aware of the need for control and have realized what things trigger my annoyance, the actual control of these emotions is harder in practice. While still quite flawed, at least when my emotions get the better of me, I have learned to apologize immediately to those who have received the expression of said emotions. In the end it would be much easier just not to react, so that I do not have to apologize, however, I must remind myself again and again that I am only human... and after all what is it that makes us human if not our thoughts and emotions? Therefore, emotions are not to be cast completely aside, but neither can they govern our entire nature.
In this as in all things, I must continually seek God's forgiveness and will in my life. To become a better person I must learn from my mistakes and the wisdom of others. And I must be willing to take correction from heaven and those here on earth.
"A fool spurns his father's discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence." ~Proverbs 15:5
I know the Lord is at work in my life. The more this clay is molded, the better able I will be to serve others.
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Girl On A Mission
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