A quick hello to all to let you know that I am back in the U.S.A. and hope to be posting some stories and pictures soon!
Back in the U.S.A.
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Girl On A Mission
Dancing with Joy
wrapping up class
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Girl On A Mission
Its November!
Hello all!
I'll try to keep this update shorter... so that you actually read all the way through, LOL. Its been a great two months here and I can't believe it went by so fast!
One of the most memorable moments so far was at a church service (Culto de Damas) of the women in the community. We went to the house of Mari Rosa who is battling breast cancer to pray for her and her family. Imagine if you can a house at the bottom of a hill where the way is narrow, littered with stones and garbage and beside a polluted stream. At the bottom of this hill you find 30 women, some sitting, most standing outside the porch of a little concrete house. Around the women are flies, mosquitos, and chickens all attracted by the polluted stream running less than a foot away from where the women stand. In the middle of the service, a little boy playing nearby runs casually to the stream to urinate. This is a place where we would never visit. A place we would not want to spend 5 minutes in, and certainly never 2 hours. Here we had a church service, here I felt the presence of the Lord. The women prayed, sang worship songs from memory and testified what the Lord had done in their lives. There was such a sense of community, of love and of belonging. Though Mari Rosa is the only one who is battling cancer, every women there felt a sense of loss and sympathized with her struggle. I find it hard to think of a better example of God's love poured out for us than what I saw in this service.
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Girl On A Mission
mid-October Update
It’s been a little while since I’ve given you an update. Sorry about that. Things have been busy and then I didn’t have internet for a while.
Yesterday, Bralio’s daughter Brenda went to the hospital to have open heart surgery to take care of the hole in her heart. We spent some time with the family this morning praying and reminding them of the Lord’s mighty presence through all things. Everything went smoothly and she is in the hospital for the next few days recuperating. Praise the Lord that the surgery was successful and that Brenda made it through the long and risky surgery.
This past weekend I was able to visit another part of the island, a mountain city called Jarabacoa. I traveled with Elliott and Lindsey Drake to a conference for foreigners living in the Dominican Republic to learn more about the culture. The conference was held at the Vida Joven (Young Life) camp in Jarabacoa and I was able to not only become acquainted with the beautiful campus, but also meet some other Americans and Canadians who are living in the DR. We learned a lot about the history of the Dominican, its various conquerors and the period under Trujillo. I really want to read “In the Time of the Butterflies,” which is a history about Trujillo’s dictatorship. We talked about various aspects of the culture, driving here, food, and traditions. At the end of one night we learned how to dance the Meringue and Bachata. We also learned about stress, culture shock and adjustment and how to cope with living in a new culture. A large part of it is having a good support system and I am thankful that I have such a great support system back home and here. I continue to add to it, including a new friend who I met at the conference, Denine, who is working with Youth with a Mission (YWAM), which is known as Jucun.
A fun/embarrassing story happened this past week as well… I was sitting in church listening to the preacher, when I became aware that he was talking about me. He was telling a story about the Sunday before when I was at his house with some of my friends to say goodbye to his daughter, Tatiana. Tatiana was leaving the next day for 9 months to live in the countryside and accomplish a part of her residency as a doctor here. The family loves to sing and all of them are very talented so we spent the night singing. At one point they asked me to sing a song in English. I didn’t really want to, but I obliged and sang a part of Shout to the Lord, which I haven’t sung without having the lyrics in front of me in years. I couldn’t remember most of the words so it was a very short rendition. Well, the pastor finished whatever he was saying and I was aware that everyone was looking at me in the church. At this point my friend nudged me and told me that the pastor wanted me to sing, to which I replied, “Ahora, mismo?!?” which means “Right now?” So, basically I was hauled up to the front of the church to sing a song in English without lyrics, music or any practice… Needless to say it wasn’t fabulous, but it couldn’t have been completely horrendous either because I have been informed that I now will be singing with the worship team Sundays and Wednesdays. My favorite part of all of this is that every time I tell the story to someone here they just laugh and reply, “Oh yeah, he’s like that.” A little warning beforehand next time people!!
This coming weekend a group arrives from Ohio, Florida and North Carolina. Please pray for their safe arrival and that their trip would be an amazing experience. Also, pray for the work that we are doing this week to prepare for the group and the projects in the community. Pray that lives would be touched in an amazing way through God’s goodness.
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Girl On A Mission
In Sickness and In Health
Bralio's family (daughter Brenda in red and black)
Mari Rosa's family
Buenas dias todo!
So, it is now week 4 of my year in the Dominican Republic (wow, time flies) and its time for another update. This weekend I had the pleasure of meeting two families in the community that are in need of prayer. The first was Bralio's family. Bralio is a very hard working builder who has six children. He and his wife Reina and four of the children (Brownie, Brandy, Brenda and Stephanie) are pictured above. When I met Bralio on Saturday, he was hard at work on an addition to his house. Covered in concrete dust, Bralio met me with a big beaming smile and introduced me to his beautiful family. His daughter Brenda has major heart problems and is need of a very intensive surgery. I asked how she was feeling and was told that she is very strong. She too has a gorgeous smile like her father! Please pray for Brenda's heart and for the funds and doctors for a surgery.
The second family is the family of Mari Rosa. Mari Rosa works for the women's cooperative on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She is currently battling stage 3 or 4 breast cancer and the prognosis is not very good. Mari Rosa is mostly worried about her family and what will happen to them if she does not make it through the next year. Mari Rosa has already had cancer once and it is now back. She is badly in need of chemotherapy, but the expenses are overwhelming for her family. Please pray for Mari Rosa and her family, for healing, strength and funds for treatment.
Sometimes life can be overwhelming. For those living on just over $5 a day it can be a struggle to survive each and every day. To care for your children, to feed them, clothe them and give them basic necessities. When sickness hits, it knocks the breath out of you. You are already fighting so hard to keep above the flood, it seems impossible to keep going. These families will incur mounting debts that they may never pay off if they try to get treatment for their loved ones. But what is the alternative?
Every day I am reminded of something for which to be thankful. Even if life doesn't go as planned, even if not everything is rosy, I have my health. There is always something to be thankful for, something to live for, something to give you joy. Look for the joy in your life and remember God is there through the sickness and the pain.
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Girl On A Mission
Tu Eres Santo
Well, enough about that... last night I went to the Wednesday night church service and had an amazing time in worship with God. My Spanish is getting a lot better, so I could actually understand most of the message and all that was going on during the service. During worship, I didn't know the Spanish words to the songs, so instead I listened. It was amazing to hear all of the people packed in the small sanctuary pouring out their hearts to God. There is one song where the chorus goes, "Tu eres santo, tu eres santo, santo, santo, santo." Which means, "You are holy, You are holy, holy, holy, holy." and another song that I knew the chorus in English, which was "I called, You answered and You came to my rescue and I want to be where You are." We sang these words over and over again, "You are holy" and it reminded me that God alone is sovereign. He is holy and He has all things in His hands. When we call, He does answer. He is there. We need to be where He is. We need to listen and hear His voice, be still and KNOW that He is there. A teenager in the church, Samuel, got up and sang a song. I had no idea what song he was singing, but as he worhipped God with all of his heart, I knew God was present in that place. Its wonderful to be where God is.
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Girl On A Mission
Que lo que?
Hello all!
It’s been over a week now since I arrived in La Republica Dominicana, so there are a lot of things that I need to fill you in on. As you already know, last week there was a woman here from the states helping the Women’s Cooperative to make beautiful jewelry to sell in the United States and here in the Dominican. The project is going very well and the women are learning the new skills very quickly. As some of you may have seen in my Facebook album, the women have already made quite a few necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. The hope is to have some jewelry parties in the states to sell the women’s jewelry and also to sell them in some boutiques as well. All of the jewelry is handmade. The Women’s Coop meets Tuesdays and Thursdays for three hours and the ladies also take their jewelry home to work on at night and on the other days of the week. I will be working with the women on Tuesdays to help them with the jewelry, to keep an inventory of the merchandise and to assist Caroline with the project.
This weekend, a friend of mine from the states who has been working for the mission for over ten years was here to help with some electrical work. He installed the internet in one of the buildings at the mission while he was here, so now during the day I am able to check emails, write my blog and get a few other things done.
On Monday, I started my Spanish classes. Carlos, a college student that is fluent in Spanish and English is teaching me for 3 hours a day in the morning. In the afternoons, I am working on different projects. For example, on Tuesday afternoons I help with the Women’s Cooperative. On Thursday evenings, I am assisting my friends Emmanuel and Vanessa with Young Life (Vida Joven). During the week I will also be working with the administrative office here, working in the clinic and helping the American missionaries that live here.
Tonight there is a church service, which I love to attend because the music is so amazing! You have to experience it for yourself to understand what I mean.
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Girl On A Mission
First Day
Bienvenido a mi vida aqui en la Republica Dominicana!
Caroline demonstrating how to make a four string necklace. Everyone here is so thankful to Caroline for her hard work and creativity!
Alright one more interesting picture from the day. Apparently, another project that some people have been working on is making framed sayings with butterflies in them. But next to the beautiful butterflies, I found something else pinned up... I hope I never meet any of these alive in my room.
I hope none of you ever find this lovely creature in your room either!
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Girl On A Mission
Estoy Aqui!
I am here!!! Just a quick update to let you know that I have arrived! Good, safe flight that came in on time. It is a nice cool 90 some degrees in the Dominican and it feels fabulous. :)
Tomorrow I will spend the day in Cielo helping with a project at the women's cooperative (http://www.missionemanuel.org/women/index.php). Check out the website. The 15 women involved in this project are amazing!
More tomorrow along with some pictures! Praise God for safe travels, no lost luggage and a great opportunity to give back to the community of believers who has given so much to me.
P.S. If you know of any international health grants or foundations, let me know. Thanks!
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Girl On A Mission
T minus 7
I can't believe it, only one more week left! This time next week I will be sitting in the Miami airport waiting for my plane to Santo Domingo. I am hoping to send you all an update that day to let you know that I've arrived. And my goal is to try for weekly or biweekly updates after that to share the good news of all that is going on in Cielo and Nazaret. We'll see what happens with the availability of internet, but definitely check back from time to time to see what God is doing in the DR.
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Girl On A Mission
2 Weeks Notice
2 weeks to go...
I'm starting to get a little nervous, which I guess is normal, right? I know it will all be fine and work out amazingly well. But I am a planner, an organizer and I like to know what is ahead of me. I think we all do. And at this point, a lot of things are really vague. Its all going to be an adventure and I guess oddly enough that is what I am looking forward to the most -- the unpredictability of it.
I had the pleasure of sharing with my parents' home church about my trip. It was nice to be able to tell more people about this next phase in my life and what God is doing in the Dominican Republic. It also got me thinking a lot about my life these past few years and the journey that has lead me to this move.
For any of you who did not know me as a child, I was a lot different than I am now (at least I think so). I was at times a very angry, frustrated and lonely child who had a hard time dealing with the world around me. We moved a lot and I often felt as though I was in survival mode 24/7. I have grown a lot in the last 10 or 15 years and have become more confident in myself, in God and His love and of His plans for my future. This has helped to take away the anger and fear and focus me on the path in front of me.
I think a major turning point was our move to South Korea where I was able to see first hand poverty in Korea and China and different lifestyles around the world there and in Australia and Guam. I thought that in college I would pursue pre-law and go to law school. But within my second year, I had a passion for non-profit work and a desire to help people. I began looking for jobs with the UN, Red Cross, Samaritan's Purse, Habitat for Humanity, etc. but could not find a job suitable for someone coming right out of college. So, I decided in February of my senior year of undergrad to take the GRE and apply to grad school.
In graduate school I was involved in a campus ministry where I was presented with the opportunity to go on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic. A truly life changing trip, I was able to spend time alone with God and draw close to Him. Also, on this trip I fell in love with the people of the Dominican. It was such a great trip that I decided to lead the following Spring Break trip to the DR for my church.
If you had asked me as a child or a teenager what I would be doing after college, I never would have said or guessed that I would be a missionary. I might have said doctor, lawyer, veterinarian, but not missionary or even international aid worker. And yet now as I look back, I can see how the Lord was preparing me to make that transition. How He was setting out the bricks of the path and leading me to this field and to the Dominican Republic. For one thing, I didn't want to go to college, let alone graduate school. I got out of there as quickly as I could. And after the first quarter of grad school, I hated it so much that I wanted to give up my scholarship and quit. But the Lord had me there for a reason. Maybe to join the church I am in now was part of it, but mostly I believe it was to go on that first trip to the DR. And even then, I still would not have guessed that I would be moving to Cielo. Not even on the trip this past year. But God was slowly preparing my heart for what He had for me. And now I am so excited to see what He has in store for Cielo, the Dominican Republic and my life!
2 more weeks and I will be in Cielo, living with the people that I have come to consider a part of my family. I cannot wait!
Also, a fundraising update: 73% of support raised. :)
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Girl On A Mission
Greater Things
The Lord's goodness amazes me everyday! He has steadily provided me with a group of kind, caring supporters cheering me along every step of the way. I am so thankful for His goodness and for each and every one of you! :)
To date, I have raised 65% of my support and counting. I cannot believe that in 5 weeks, I have raised a little over $13,000 for my year long trip to the DR. I know that if it were me alone, I'd be getting nowhere fast, but that the Lord has provided all of this.
I am also encouraged by all that is happening in the Dominican Republic. The youth group, Vida Joven, just returned from an amazing retreat of worship and fellowship with God. The church community is strong and growing and I was encouraged in June to see a larger congregation than when I first visited in March of 2008.
I now have 24 days left before I leave and in the flurry of fundraising and packing, purchasing last minute supplies and visiting friends and family, I am really enjoying soaking up those quiet moments with God at night as we talk about the future. I know that not everything will be easy, but that the Lord has something amazing in store. Greater things have yet to come, I truly believe that. Greater things for Cielo, greater things for me, greater things for God's work.
I met with a friend the other day to talk about her search for a job. Its been a frustrating road for her, as I well understand. But as I listened to her talk, I was reminded of the fact that when we are in a situation is when it seems like there is no way out, like nothing we do is getting us anywhere. And then, out of nowhere, God opens a door and we are given an opportunity that is 10 times better than what we were begging to take before. God hands us a gift, a new perspective and we look back at those trials and think, "What was I so worried about?" God is there, He hears our every uplifted cry and He answers those prayers in His time. He has something better than we could even imagine for ourselves and He generously lavishes it on all of us. Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done...
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Girl On A Mission
Leaving on a Jet Plane
I am moving to this...
and these smiling faces...
Join me on my journey as I walk in the ways the Lord has prepared for me. My hope is to update this blog a few times a month to let you know about what God is doing in the Dominican, in the lives of the people in Cielo and Nazaret and what God is teaching me.
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Girl On A Mission
Halfway There
As of this evening, I have pledges for 50% of my support! That is $10,000 in 2 weeks! God is so amazing :)
I had been nervous about raising that much money, but as I began to pray about it and share about Mission Emanuel and what God is doing in the Dominican Republic with people, I felt encouraged. Everything is in the Father's hands.
All the glory to God. If I had set out to raise this money on my own for my own initiatives, I would have failed miserably. Through Christ, I can do all things. God is raising the money to do His work.
As I meet with people to talk about the ministry, my passion for the people in Cielo and Nazaret and the things I will be doing in the DR, its really not about the money. Yes, I need the support to be able to go down to the Dominican, but God knows who the people are who are supposed to contribute. I am merely presenting an opportunity to give to God's work. As I said in my last post, for some people it may just be that God wants me to share about the Dominican and what is going on there.
If you have any questions or want to know more about Mission Emanuel, my move to the Dominican or what God is doing in the DR, don't hesitate to contact me. I would love to share with you! :)
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Girl On A Mission
So, a quick update and more to come later...
In the last week and a half I have raised, or more correctly, God has provided 37% of my support for my trip to the Dominican! I am so excited about what God is doing!!
I was very nervous about talking to people about giving money towards my trip. Yet, I am learning that this is really an opportunity for people to learn about what God is doing in the Dominican Republic and how they can get involved. Some of the people I talk to may not be led to give money and perhaps I was only supposed to talk to them about it so they could learn about the DR and Mission Emanuel and all that God is doing. Others have been led to give above and beyond what I had even thought to ask. Because God is so much bigger than everything. And He gives abundantly. More generously than any of us could ever be. And I know that He is going to provide the remaining $12,000 that I need for this next year. And who knows, maybe even more!
Also, Jack called me on Sunday and he found a place for me to live! Its an apartment by one of the mission schools with two rooms and a bathroom (I am assuming a kitchen as well...). And would you believe rent of $100 to $150 a month?? Amazing! That is probably the size of the apartment I lived in for two years and it cost a lot more than that...
I know several people were asking about what exactly I would be doing in the DR. I will be doing a lot of things, including working with Vida Joven (Young Life), assisting the women's cooperative, holding bible studies with the teenage girls, teaching English in the schools and assisting the Executive Director (who lives in Florida) with anything he needs me to do for the mission. I will also help to facilitate the short-term missions trips and will translate once I become more fluent in Spanish.
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment here or hit me up on facebook.
See you soon!
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Girl On A Mission
Looking Forward
Hello again, all!
Just a quick update to let you know that I have just started support raising for my year-long (or more!) move to the Dominican Republic. I have raised 7.5% of my support goal already and am trusting God to increase my support to 10 times that or 75% of my support goal by the middle of August.
I need to raise $20,000 before moving to Cielo in September, which is just two months away. Please pray for me as I go through this process and contact me if you would like to learn more about my passion for the Dominican Republic, God's call on my life, what I will be doing in the DR, etc.
You can message me on facebook by visiting my profile at http://www.facebook.com/bianco.13 or leave me a comment here and I will contact you.
You can also give support by going to http://missionemanuel.org/support/ and following the instructions there.
Thanks and God bless!
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Girl On A Mission
Today I was able to tell a friend a story about my trip to the Dominican, from which I just returned. The story was about another lesson that I have learned regarding provision.
When I arrived in the Dominican Republic, I had a feeling of great anticipation. I was unable to concentrate on much of anything until we arrived in Cielo. At church on Sunday, I was greeted by many friends, old and new, but did not see my sponsor family. The next day, I set out with another girl to visit Amaryllis and her four children. On the road to her house, we met her walking with her two youngest children Jasmine, 18 months, and Leslie, 3 years old. Both of the children were sick. I picked up Leslie to help Amaryllis carry the girls to the clinic, but Leslie began to cry because the sun was hurting her eyes, so I carried Jasmine instead. Though younger, Jasmine is actually larger than Leslie because Leslie was malnourished as a child.
As we walked, Amaryllis explained to me (in Spanish) that the girls had been sick for two weeks already. Jasmine's eye was swollen shut because both she and her sister had pink eye. On top of the infection both developed a fever and refused to eat or drink. Upon settling Amaryllis and Leslie in the waiting room at the clinic, I took Jasmine and got some water for the girls to try to drink. As I filled the cups of water, several young girls that were on a short term mission trip in Cielo prayed for Jasmine and Leslie. Both girls drank their cups of water while waiting for the doctor, which was necessary because of the strong heat.
The doctor assessed the girls' condition, which I did not understand and prescribed medicines, some of which were available at the clinic. I did not understand much of what occurred, but I did comprehend that there was still something more that the children needed, something their mom apparently could not get. She would not tell me what was wrong, so I told the doctor that it was okay, that she should tell me and I would get it for the girls. The request was simply for milk. Something we would never think twice about buying here, but which was too expensive for Amaryllis to afford for her girls. So, having had the exact type written down, I set out to figure out how to buy this milk. There were no stores close by, but one of the teenage boys volunteered to go get it for me from the store. He soon returned and we set out back to Amaryllis' house.
The following evening, the group that was visiting from Orlando, FL held a family fun festival at the community baseball field. Several hundred children attended to play games and win candy. It was an amazing sight to see. After it ended, as we were leaving for the night, I saw Amaryllis again. She had just returned from picking up her two sons, Georgy and Brian from their grandfather's house. Unfortunately, they arrived too late to enjoy the festivities and since we were leaving to eat dinner at the mission, I asked two guys in the group to walk the family home with me. Amaryllis had left the girls with her neighbors and when she went to pick them up Leslie was much worse. Both of her eyes were swollen shut, she was burning up and crying. The neighbor, an older mother, told Amaryllis she had to take her to the hospital. I stood by helpless, unsure of what to do. I could not go to the hospital with her. I had to return to my group. I kept asking what I could do, but in the end there was nothing to do, but write down her number and promise to call the next day to check on her.
On the way back, I ran into an American couple that we knew and asked them what they thought could be done. I was told to ask someone who was in charge. Halfway back to the mission, I saw the Director of the mission and asked him what he thought. "Anna, I have to put all of these supplies from the festival away tonight and it is already dark. I am too busy. I'm sorry, but I cannot help." As discouraged and disheartened as I was to hear this, it caused me to think more about the situation. I was upset and I wanted to help. After all, these children were like my little sisters. However, there were probably sick children in Cielo everyday. Some sicker than my little sisters. I could not help them all. I could not even help some of them, especially not everyday. I alone, could do next to nothing.
When I returned to the hotel, I was able to talk to the Executive Director and ask him about calling Amaryllis. He reminded me that it was late and suggested that I should check on them in the morning. I thought that calling was the least that I could do and I think seeing that I was troubled, he talked to me about getting worn out. Again, I could not help everyone. I could not do everything. But the Lord, the creator of all people, holds all His children in His hands. How much more does He love them than I do? How much more does He carry for their every need? I can do next to nothing, but He can do all things."Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? " Matthew 6:26
Here is a picture of the whole family, Amaryllis, Georgy (10), Brian (8), Jasmine (3) and Leslie (18 months). All happy and healthy at the end of my week in Cielo :)
The Lord is mighty and good and He gives us all that we require. As I begin to raise support to go on staff with Mission Emanuel, I am trusting the Lord for His provision. I know that He will supply more than I need. Please pray for me to continually trust the Lord, to stay focused on His goodness and provision and for support raising to go smoothly.
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Girl On A Mission
Fully Relying on God
Savior, He can move the mountains.
My God is mighty to save,
He is mighty to save.
Forever, author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave.
Jesus conquered the grave.
~Hillsong, Mighty to Save
I recently returned from a trip to the Dominican Republic to plan my move there in September. We sang this song, Mighty to Save, nearly everyday. Its a recent favorite of mine that contributes to a lesson I've been learning.
While I grew up in church and having a relationship with God, I have tried to maintain my own control over my life. Throughout the years and especially in college, God has shown me that this is futile. I am ill equipped to see the big picture. I do not know what the future holds and as a result most of the decisions I make are designed to mitigate future loss or pain. I settle for harmful relationships because they might be better than those I would find if I passed these ones up or at least, so I think, better than none at all.
Over the past few years and especially in the past few months, parts of my life had become overwhelming. I was unsatisfied with graduate school, my personal and family relationships and with the direction my life was heading. Yes, I was "successful" because I had good grades and worked several jobs, but I didn't have much joy. As I slowly began to yield over portions of my life obediently to God, praying about each one and searching for God's purpose in each situation, I found peace and the joy for which I had been longing.
My life will never be perfect -- God did not promise that. In fact, Jesus said that when we take up the cross and follow Him we will face persecution and difficulties. But I have found that when I encounter those difficulties, I have a friend and partner to help me see through the darkness. I may not always see it at first, I may still struggle for my own will, but ultimately I try to remember that God has never let me down. He has provided for me in every situation large or small.
For One who is mighty enough to make the whole earth tremble, who died upon the cross to redeem not only me, but all the world, what are my troubles compared to this? He is the author of my salvation and the author of my days. My simple prayer is "Lord, may your will be done." I couldn't ask for anything better.
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Girl On A Mission
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Girl On A Mission
So, I have officially started my preparations for moving to the Dominican Republic! I am beginning the support raising process, Spanish language training and I am taking a Teaching English as a Foreign Language course this summer. I leave in three weeks to visit Cielo and Nazaret to work on preparations for my arrival and talk to Jack (Director of Mission Emanuel) about where I will be living for the next year or more. I have been so encouraged by the way that things are coming together. :) My current employer just asked me to work full-time in June and July, which will provide some extra financial support for moving expenses. My family has been very supportive of my decision and are looking forward to visiting me in the Caribbean. I have a back injury that I was afraid would continue to plague me, but I have been seeing a Chiropractor for a little over a month and I am noticing a world of difference. I haven't been in pain for weeks. The Lord is good!
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Girl On A Mission
Ripple of Hope
"Let no one be discouraged by the belief there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous array of the world's ills -- against misery and ignorance, injustice and violence... Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation...It is from the numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest of walls of oppression and resistance."~Robert Kennedy
I read this quote a few years ago and have found it to be an encouragement. There are times when the the tide of injustice around the world seems overwhelming. I feel, as I am sure many people do, helpless, powerless to stop the violence and oppression. As I rest in God's love and goodness, I am reassured that He cares for all of His people, the whole world over. That in loving Him, I love my fellow man and must do what little I can to make a difference, however small that difference may be.
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Girl On A Mission
The Backstory
I am a start-at-the-beginning sort of person. So, let me begin by explaining a little bit about me and what has led me to write this blog.
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Girl On A Mission